Sunday, March 28, 2010

Picture of above artisits (Ricky Swallow) workspace with image of artwork.. Artwork dimensions art 31x44x12 cm. Also a picture showing 2 of the 3 additional textures. Textures are on the curved construction under the stair and triangular screen in the artists space.

textures page 3

textures page 2

Textures page1

initial sketches for second set of stairs

Thursday, March 25, 2010

First sketches for stairs

Monday, March 22, 2010

These images are of my preliminary second Sketchup Model. For my final model the lower artists space has been developed but the higher artists space has been completely changed.

Friday, March 19, 2010

These images are of my first sketchup model after adding materials.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Carlo Scarpa Stair
Section from above

Stair Homework
Carlo Scarpa
Side section

Thursday, March 11, 2010

page 3

The sketches I used for my first sketchup model were the bottom left pair on the right page.
The words I used for these sketches were: Domain and performance

For my second and final developed sketchup model I used the bottom right pair on the left page. The words I used for these sketches were: instantaneous and compact.

page 2

page 1

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cyclexoskeleton 01, performance, instantaneous
Idol with Handle, compact, texture

Domain (while the apha male does maintain a stron hierarchy juveniles are free to playfully interact), capturing, photograph

This photo was taken while at Disneyland in Hong Kong.

This building is called "Sliding House". The outer wooden wall/roof can slide to reveal more of less of the glass structure underneath depending on the season and weather.

I completed this work Year 11. The model was a
dancer named David.